The Christmas of Blackhunter09, Some Other Entries [A Christmas Special]

“Merri Kurisumasu minna-san desu!~”

Hi readers! It’s been a while since I have posted some blog entries. The reason: I was busy with school, so therefore I had no time posting. And unfortunately, I’m now a bit of grounded whenever it’s school days, so that means, no touching of laptop. I just don’t get it why do they (parents) have to be that way, even if I’m already in college. So moving on, I would like to share some of my latest escapades and journeys in life. It might be that long, but I will try to shorten it up.

Anyway, back in November, I was feeling some happiness, because I have the high hopes that I have a chance of her. If you don’t get what I mean, I was in love with someone. That someone, maybe, don’t know about my feeling. So I have to force myself on being that close to her, so that when the right time comes, I can express what I want to say. Unfortunately, an incident made me change my point of view about her. It was just last Christmas when I found out about something: she has a special someone now. When I read the letter, which I won’t post it here, because she might be reading this blog, my heart was like, torn into pieces. I felt so sad and depressed during that time. I felt like, the urge to get her but not doing it because of one big factor. Right now, I’m trying to recover. I hope that won’t happen again, because some bad thoughts came into my mind, like, “I gotta go out and jump at the bridge” or “I will hang myself to death!”. Good thing there are these persons who really loves you and cares for you even in the hardest times of your life. I would like to express my sincere thanks and give a big hug to these persons, namely: Skeeterz, Fwendship, and my friends in our forum at PinoyPSP. Maybe I just need to improve myself more in terms of lovelife. Enough said, closed for this topic.

So how was your Christmas? If you gotta ask mine, well, it’s a mixture of happy and sad one. I will say that it’s a happy one since I received this for Christmas:

-My dream headphone, finally came true-

So yeah, I received that, surprisingly. Because what I was expecting to receive for Christmas is just a Philips GoGear Aria, and I said to myself, “I’m happy with it”, and this was unexpected. I was really happy and glad with it, that after the opening of gifts part, I directly connected it to my MP3 player. The baby’s spankin’ good. If I would write a review for it, I will give it a flat 10. Amazingly made Skullcandy headphone ever. I will treasure this thing forever.

By the way, I have a Tumblr now. Yay! Don’t forget to follow me: Blackhunter09@Tumblr. You might not find it that interesting, because I only reblog what others have posted. Main reason: still new to it. ^^; So don’t forget to swing by and have fun with it!

Also lately, I just discovered a trending site: It has been out since, but not that discovered by others, until someone found out about it, so its information spread like a wildfire. Basically, is a place where you can ask anything to a member, like let’s say, in my youmay check what they’re asking about me, and also you can ask me anything, even if you’re not a member of said site, because they have an anonymous feature. Cool isn’t it? So why not wait and register now! Also, don’t forget to follow me on said site, alright?

Speaking of fun, do you remember my post about Lockerz? Well, what I can say is, I’m doubting them now. Why? I might sound bias here, but in my case, I was banned because I was “caught” cheating. They didn’t thought that maybe, some of those whom he invited isn’t that active now, but I have no choice, and to accept the fact. Fortunately, they (might) have forgotten about it, and they didn’t remove me as their member. Yay! But I feel sad to some of my friends whom I’ve invited, because, the site said that instead of the prizes they’re supposed to claim, instead, they will receive a $50 Amazon GC. So meaning, the site itself could be a fake and bogus one, or they might be saying the truth that they have to settle things up before giving the prizes to the deserving ones. Anyway, I’m still happy that my account is there, alive and kicking.

Well I guess that’ll be for me tonight. Having fun isn’t always, there is also a time where tears run down the face. Gotta leave you with this statement:

“Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional.”

-As said by Therese Poticano, from Readers’ Digest.

Now to give myself a rest from this things.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,


P.S: I will write an entry sometime December 30, for my very own year-ender. Don’t forget to check by my blog. Thanks!

Posted by Shun Hizori @ 12.27.2009

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